Young Carers
At Hassenbrook Academy we have made a commitment to help identify and support our Young Carers.
We have recently held assemblies to help the students identify themselves and signpost them to the Young Carers team.
It is estimated that 1 in 5 students could be Young Carers and that is why we want to make sure that we are doing all we can to ensure that their education and life experiences are that of their peers.
So, what is Hassenbrook Academy doing?
Our first task is to identify as many Young Carers at Hassenbrook Academy as we can.
We provide 1-1 and group mentoring as well as run a drop in support group. Where appropriate, Young Carers will be given access to a telephone to call home during breaks and lunchtimes to reduce any worry they may have about a family member in times of illness. We endevour to help Young Carers participate in after school activities. If detentions are set we have the flexibility for them to be completed at break/lunch times if needed. For our older students we work with the examination boards if a Young Carer’s circumstances mean that they might need coursework extensions for example, as some Young Carers may find it difficult to meet deadlines due to caring responsibilities. We are also able to signpost and or refer them to outside support agencies.
If your child is a Young Carer and has not identified themselves to us please encourage them to do so or contact us directly.