
School uniform must be worn, please remember to bring equipment

Yr 11 GCSE Exam Timetable Summer 2024




Results will be available for collection from 10.00 am until 11.00 am

Please enter the school via the side hall entrance.

Students will then collect their results and leave via the main hall exits.

If you would like to appeal a result please contact Ms P Wilson by 31 August 2024.


Examinations Information

  • Examinations are an important part of Academy life and a measure of how you have made progress.
  • There have to be strict rules in the Exam Hall in order that ALL students are given a fair chance to do their best.
  • The Hassenbrook Code for Responsible Behaviour will apply at all times.
  • Be on time; you may not gain entry to the exam if you are late.
  • Hassenbrook Academy uniform must be worn.
  • You must be silent as soon as you enter the hall and remain silent throughout the exam AND while papers are being collected.
  • Any form of communication either written, spoken or gestures will be regarded as cheating.
  • Do not take into the examination room any unauthorised materials or equipment which might give you an unfair advantage.  This includes: notes, calculator cases, calculator instruction leaflets, bags, all electronic communication storage devices and or any other products with text/digital facilities eg personal TVs, digital equipment, including mobile telephones, iPods, MP3/4 players. REMEMBER:  Possession of unauthorised material is breaking the rules, even if you do not intend to use it, and you will be subject to penalty and possible disqualification.
  • Disruptive students will be removed from the exam.  Misbehaviour is a serious matter and could, potentially, cost the candidate their GCSE grades.
  • Be prepared for the exam by bringing the correct equipment 2 black pens, 2 pencils, ruler, and colouring pencils and specialist equipment e.g. for Maths you may need a compass, protractor, calculator...etc.. (check with your teacher). Only clear plastic pencil cases are allowed in the exam hall for GCSE.
  • If you miss an internal exam through illness, you will normally get the opportunity to re-sit the paper at the Leader of Learning’s discretion. (A note will be required as this counts as an absence).  However, this is NOT possible with GCSE exams, written medical evidence will be required otherwise you will be invoiced the total cost of the exam.
  • Revise thoroughly for your exams to show everybody how good you are.  The internal exams are good practice for your final GCSE exams, and they form the basis of your forecast grade for college/ employment. Ask your teachers for help and advice as to what area to revise.
  • Remember – Controlled assessments and coursework are an important part of some examinations. Controlled assessments have replaced coursework in new GCSE specifications. Your teacher will advise you about this. Make sure you are up to date and meet the deadlines set by your teacher. They have to meet deadlines set by the exam boards and delays can have an impact on your final grade.
  • Individual GCSE exam timetables are issued to students in advance and the details can also be found on our website www.hassenbrook.org.uk or in the latest edition of Academy in Action.
  • If you require information on our Appeals Policy for internal and external assessments please go to our website www.hassenbrook.org.uk.
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