Mental Health & Wellbeing

Mental Health & Wellbeing

At Hassenbrook Academy all members of staff are committed to support the wellbeing of all our students. As a Academy we recognise the importance of looking after our wellbeing. We have Mental Health and Wellbeing embedded within our curriculum . All of our staff have received training to look out for any signs of students struggling with mental health and know where to guide them for help. We   have students that have trained with the Thurrock Schools Well- Being Service as Mental Health Champions across all of the year groups and have a well-established peer mentor programme to offer student-to-student support for our students.

At Hassenbrook Academy we have key staff receiving specialised training to support our LGBTQ+ community, SEND students and EAL students.

We also work with Thurrock Schools Wellbeing Service who provide the following services:

  • Training and ongoing support for our Mental Health Ambassadors
  • Small group training for our pastoral staff
  • Workshops for parents to help them understand issues such as anxiety or anger management
  • Reflective sessions for pastoral staff to help ensure the support for students is the best it can be.

We are proud to provide the following strategies in school:

  • We have a comprehensive Mental Health and Wellbeing policy.
  • Dedicated days/week to acknowledge and inform about different well-being topics.
  • A PSHE Curriculum which examines themes crucial in supporting well-being.
  • Publicised self-help & well-being literature.
  • Well-being Group.
  • Breakfast club.
  • Fortnightly check-in with students that may be struggling with their Mental Health by our pastoral Support team.


Level of support.

  • All students have a Form Tutor who acts as the first point of contact for students
  • All students spend 100 minutes a week with their Form Tutor. This time consists of a daily 20-minute morning tutor time session and bi weekly 75 minute PSHE lesson
  • All students have access to the support of their pastoral team: Head of Year, PSM.
  • Students have access to a worry button on the website.
  • Safeguarding / Mental Health section of the website.
  • Safeguarding posters around the school.
  • High quality in class support – all members of staff are responsible for the emotional wellbeing of students
  • A whole school nurturing approach – support and opportunities for social and emotional development
  • Culture within the school that values all students, allows them a sense of belonging and makes it possible to talk about problems in a non- stigmatising way. Assemblies further reinforce this and raise awareness of mental health
  • A clear behaviour policy, with consistent application from all staff, so students feel safe in a calm environment and know what to expect in every lesson
  • A reward system which recognises positive behaviour, personal and academic achievement, effort and other achievements. Rewards achievement certificates are awarded as reinforcement and encouragement.


 Specialist Support

  • Learning Support Plans (LSPs) - are used for students have multiple well-being needs and who are receiving different types of support and/or across multiple agencies as well as medical conditions, including mental health conditions.
  • Pastoral Support Plans (PSPs) - are used for students who are at risk of permanent exclusion.

For those who need it we have a range of support available including school counsellors, individual mentoring, intervention groups for anxiety, stress and anger management.

We work closely with several other services where we refer students for mental health support.  These include:

  • CAMHs
  • Open Door
  • St Lukes Hospice


Mental Health Champions

In addition to our existing pastoral team, a number of staff have been trained in Mental Health First Aid. Our mental health champions wear a badge. Students can easily identify these students when they need to talk about their wellbeing. To find out more about Mental Health First Aid visit:

We ensure all students have access to a service at the correct level and if a student is waiting for an outside agency, we will ensure the academy has filled the gap until that service begins. 

If you feel that your child needs support please contact the school either via Head of Year or form tutor.  There are a number of useful online resources available.

CAMHS referral

On My Mind

Annafreud - On My Mind


Mind - Information and Support for Children and Young People






Thurrock School Health E-Drop-In | NELFT NHS Foundation Trust


Wellbeing Team

Mrs L Taylor

Mrs T Lawrence

Mrs N Braybrook

Mrs L Lawless

Safeguarding Team

Mr A Scott

Mrs M Major

Mrs S Feeney

Mrs F Knight

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